ECS scaling


ECS Cluster Auto Scaling (CAS) is a new capability for ECS to manage the scaling of EC2 Auto Scaling Groups (ASG). 

CAS relies on ECS capacity providers, which provide the link between your ECS cluster and the ASGs

Each ASG is associated with a capacity provider, and each such capacity provider has only one ASG, but many capacity providers can be associated with one ECS cluster. In order to scale the entire cluster automatically, each capacity provider manages the scaling of its associated ASG.

Design goal #1: CAS should scale the ASG out (adding more instances) whenever there is not enough capacity to run tasks the customers is trying to run.

Design goal #2: CAS should scale in (removing instances) only if it can be done without disrupting any tasks (other than daemon tasks).

Design goal #3: customers should maintain full control of their ASGs, including the ability to set the minimum and maximum size, use other scaling policies, configure instance types, etc.

Uses ECS life cycle state provisioning to indicate there are no ec2 instances to launch task.

Uses some optimisation to find out how many ec2 instances to launch.

Capacity reservation metric = # of tasks currently running + waiting to run/ # currently running * 100

= M/N *100

If M < N possibility of scale in only if some instances are not running any task except daemon task

If M>N need to scale out


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